Different types of stress.

Have you ever heard one of those people who say: “I just don’t get stressed”? You may even be one yourself…

About a decade ago, when my training volume increased quite rapidly [along with my desire to succeed] my chiropractor at the time gave me a very insightful commentary: 

She explained that we can compare our ability to withstand stress in our lives with that of a bucket full of fluid. Each time something adds stress to our daily or weekly routine, imagine a glass of fluid being removed from the bucket.

The most poignant part of her explanation was that she highlighted quite strongly that no matter what the reason for losing a glass or two from our bucket, the human body will react the same way. Work, friendships, lack of sleep, family, unclean food and of course exercise all have the ability to keep withdrawing from our bucket. Having spoken to fatigued athletes a fair amount, there is a common misconception – and therefore answer to my questions – “I don’t understand, I haven’t been training that much at all, so why do I feel so yukky?!”

On further examination, we always discover that work has been hectic, or sleep has been broken, or perhaps something as simple as too much gluten (an inflammatory substance) is the answer… the bucket is empty, we try and workout, and there’s just nothing left.

Don’t get carried away thinking that physical stress on the body is the only thing that can run you down… mental and emotional stressors will have the EXACT same response in the body so be mindful to keep your bucket topped up.

